Monday, February 7, 2011

Your Eyes Will Express

“Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look behind.”

The Perfect quote to express what our heart and mind wants to tell.What could be the better way than the placement of your eyes?!

Created to move forward in life, we strive to achieve great things. Everything around us is in similar progression. Nothing in life can ever move backwards. Nothing can ever retreat. Even on a battle field, there’s still a progression of time and effort – whether or not the opposing side is forcing you to physically regress.

It's our eyes who gives the result of mind and heart. Beautiful smile brings happiness in our eyes.Love is most important and beautiful feeling which every one has among their partner and towards others is expressed through eyes beautifully. Our Ambition and Achievement is shown with a Confidence in our eyes.When we win the race it is purely shown in eyes.One of the Guilty feelings will make us not to look at others as our eyes feel so sorry for our behavior and not even meant to be there in front of them.Angry on a particular person is also shown with our eyes. Fear which will scare our eyes to move forward.And the Tears which fall in happiness and sorrow are expressed with our beautiful eyes.

Take note to the placement of your eyes. I’m not necessarily sure I believe in fate or that there is a reason for everything that happens; however, I find an incredible amount of comfort in the possibility. So with that said, this quote gives a bright outlook on life. One in which gives us reason to look forward. To find excitement in possibility. To take an optimistic approach as we walk through each and every day.


Unknown said...

dat was a gud quote on eyes.....but i giv u a suggestion to try to attract d readers thru ur writing....!!!!
ALL d BEST !!!

Bhanu Ananthoju said...

This was written by me!!!
Thank you!!!!!!! :-)