Thursday, February 17, 2011

Belief,Faith and Knowing

To know something, to believe something, and to have faith in something are all different things.We can think something with only the knowledge of ourselves, and we can know something with the totality of who we are. How we know, and at what depth we know, determines how we live.

To begin with, let us ask ourself: What is it to 'know' something? What is it to 'believe' something? What is it to 'have faith' in something?

We believe things with our minds. Beliefs are ideas. They are concepts. They give us a picture of reality that others can agree with or disagree with. Beliefs are thoughts that can be put into words and these words can be communicated to others. Beliefs, however, are not absolute truths. They are opinions about reality, not reality itself. In the realm of belief we can have our own opinions, others can have their opinions, and we can agree or disagree, remembering that the truth of our beliefs is relative. And not 100% of what you believe is true, know about it start having faith or trust on what you got to know. So discuss,discuss and discuss with the friends or with the closest person so that you can come out of the current situation or current opinion or belief you have.

Faith combines our heart's wish and our mind's belief.Having faith in something is different than this.Faith relates us to an unvarying, underlying reality that we share in - one that we assume exists whether we believe in it or not. Unlike beliefs which are of the mind, faith is not just of the mind but of the heart as well. Trust and Faith are similar in the things. If you have a true belief on a person, you will have 100% trust and faith on them. Once the trust is gone you will never try to look back towards the person. Before taking any step towards your loved ones, think about most possible worst and the best cases which were happened during any wrong or in a quarrel.When we have faith, we believe in the invisible.

In doing this, our mind faces a clear choice between doubt and trust. Faith makes the choice to trust based on the joining of mind and heart. It makes the choice to suspend doubt and to say "yes" to the thinking of the heart rather than mind.

Knowing is based on our experience of something. In knowing something, we do not think or speculate about it. We perceive it so deeply within ourselves as true that we don't have to discuss it, and no matter what anyone else says about it, it does not alter our reality.Our knowing should be so secure and private that there should be no others intensions or thoughts are involved in you. It is you who has to think about the world and get to know through research. Once you are confident enough about a person or your belief never go back with false points around you. Even though there is chance of doubt, take time and know again about it in peacefully.

So all, Believe in yourself ,have faith in god and know the things perfect and live Happily!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Your Eyes Will Express

“Our eyes are placed in front because it is more important to look ahead than to look behind.”

The Perfect quote to express what our heart and mind wants to tell.What could be the better way than the placement of your eyes?!

Created to move forward in life, we strive to achieve great things. Everything around us is in similar progression. Nothing in life can ever move backwards. Nothing can ever retreat. Even on a battle field, there’s still a progression of time and effort – whether or not the opposing side is forcing you to physically regress.

It's our eyes who gives the result of mind and heart. Beautiful smile brings happiness in our eyes.Love is most important and beautiful feeling which every one has among their partner and towards others is expressed through eyes beautifully. Our Ambition and Achievement is shown with a Confidence in our eyes.When we win the race it is purely shown in eyes.One of the Guilty feelings will make us not to look at others as our eyes feel so sorry for our behavior and not even meant to be there in front of them.Angry on a particular person is also shown with our eyes. Fear which will scare our eyes to move forward.And the Tears which fall in happiness and sorrow are expressed with our beautiful eyes.

Take note to the placement of your eyes. I’m not necessarily sure I believe in fate or that there is a reason for everything that happens; however, I find an incredible amount of comfort in the possibility. So with that said, this quote gives a bright outlook on life. One in which gives us reason to look forward. To find excitement in possibility. To take an optimistic approach as we walk through each and every day.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

It All Begins With US

“Watch your thoughts; they become words.
Watch your words; they become actions.
Watch your actions; they become habits.
Watch your habits; they become character.
Watch your character; it becomes your destiny.”
-Frank Outlaw

Like a small seed planted into the ground, your destiny begins from a simple thought. As the thought turns into words, which turns into actions, what was once a tiny seed begins budding in new growth. From your repetitious actions, habits slowly form, and your character begins to emerge. And who you are and the path you proceed in this life will ultimately determine your fate.

Spread happiness among all who are around. All Happiness is based on our attitude and behavior with others. A small and simple word/sentence which would not make us to think but could hurt others a lot. It is totally in us about being good or bad. Always feel sorry and learn from the mistakes you come across, which leads to good person ultimately. It is like how you seed so you reap the result.

I think this is an incredible quote and offers some great advice. It shows the power of a simple thought and its ability to lead you into the future. Watching what you think, what you say and how you act is good practice for anyone. Focusing on positive thoughts will bring positive words, actions and habits. Building an optimistic character will spread that same optimism all around you. And by surrounding yourself with happiness, love and strength, a beautiful flower will begin to blossom.