Positive attitude helps to cope more easily with the daily affairs of life. It brings optimism into your life, and makes it easier to avoid worry and negative thinking. If you adopt it as a way of life, it will bring constructive changes into your life, and makes them happier, brighter and more successful. With a positive attitude you see the bright side of life, become optimstic and expect the best to happen. It is certainly a state of mind that is well worth developing and strengthening.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
11 ways to be a happy employee
Look at your work calendar and plan your week on Sunday night or Monday morning. This would include important meetings, deliverables, a brief summary of things that are pending from last week and any tasks to be achieved during the week. Though this might look like a time management tip, at the end of the week, on Friday night when you re-visit what you have achieved over the last five days, the satisfaction is immense.
2. Undertake activities that you are passionate about even though it might not be in your job profile
Start an initiative that you would love to do irrespective of whether it is required for you to do or not.
Send a daily newsletter to your team on the topics that most of them will be interested.
Do a presentation on the topic that you are passionate about.
Organise a small sports event for your team.
Call everyone in your team for a team coffee, breakfast or lunch break
Appreciate colleagues in your team or in a cross-functional team who did a great job
Write a poem on your team's achievements
Arrange a potluck lunch
3. Do not indulge in the blame game
If something goes wrong do not blame others blindly. If you commit a mistake, do not hesitate to accept it. As Gauthama Buddha said, there are three things we can't hide for long: the sun, earth and the truth. Accepting your mistake gracefully will only make you look like a true professional and also give you the satisfaction of not cheating.
4. Communicate more often in person
Utilise all the opportunities where you can speak to an individual in person rather than e-mail or phone. But be aware of the other person's time and availability. Listening to a positive answer from a person will give you more happiness than if it is done over the phone or via e-mail.
5. Know what is happening at your workplace
Will this make a person happy? Truly, yes! Imagine a cricket team that doesn't know how many runs to score to win a match? More than losing the game, the player will never be interested or motivated to play well.
Attend all meetings that are addressed by the CEO to your immediate manager to know what is going to happen around you. It could be the company's growth plan or your department's next big project. Jack Welch mentions in his book Winning "every employee, not just the senior people, should know how a company is doing."
You will also get an extra edge if you are in a position to answer queries raised by your peers or juniors. This is not just for the good reasons, but bad reasons as well. You do not want to be the last employee to know if your company is laying off employees (in the worst case, if you are the one who is on that list).
6. Participate in organisation-level activities
This could be as simple as spending one weekend for a corporate social responsibility activity or attending a recruitment drive to help your HR team or arranging a technical/sports event at the organisational level. Most of these events will be successful as people do come on their own to contribute.
7. Have a hobby that keeps you busy and happy
Many people say their hobby is watching TV or listening to music or reading the newspaper. These aren't hobbies, they are just ways of passing the time. Some hobbies are evergreen and will keep you evergreen as well: dancing, painting, writing short stories, poems, blogs and sharing your experiences.
8. Take up a sport
While choosing a sport make sure that there is physical activity. There is the danger of becoming addicted to sports where there is less physical activity (like computer games, chess, cards etc). Physical activity keeps a person healthy and happy. If you pick up one sport well, you can represent your organisation in corporate sports event too.
9. Keep yourself away from office politics
Politics, as a practice, whatever its profession, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds. -- Henry Brooks Adams
Politics is everywhere and the office is no exception. Playing politics might be beneficial but only for the short term. So the best thing to do is play fair.
10. Wish and smile
More often than not, there are fair chances that the other person will smile back. This could be your security guard at the gate, your receptionist, your office boy, your CEO or your manager -- never forget to wish them and smile.
11. Volunteer for some activity
"The value of a man resides in what he gives and not in what he is capable of receiving." � Albert Einstein
Do at least one activity without expecting anything in return. There is no set frequency for this. This could be once in a day or once in a week or thrice in a week. It could be as simple as making tea at the office for your colleague, helping a colleague who is working in another department by using your skills, dropping your colleague at his door step in your car, going to your manager or colleague to ask if there is any help you can extend, contributing to technical or knowledge management communities in your organisation etc.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
The "Be" Attitudes
2)Be loyal to your friends.
3)Be strong enough to face the world each day.
4)Be weak enough to know you cannot do everything alone.
5)Be generous to those who need your help.
6)Be frugal with that you need yourself.
7)Be wise enough to know that you do not know everything.
8)Be foolish enough to believe in miracles.
9)Be willing to share your joys.
10)Be willing to share the sorrows of others.
11)Be a leader when you see a path others have missed.
12)Be a follower when you are shrouded by the mists of uncertainty.
13)Be first to congratulate an opponent who succeeds.
14)Be last to criticize a colleague who fails.
15)Be sure where your next step will fall, so that you will not tumble.
16)Be sure of your final destination, in case you are going the wrong way.
17)Be loving to those who love you..
18)Be loving to those who do not love you; they may change.
19)Above all, Be yourself.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
12 Ways To Be Happy
Learn to find pleasure in simple things.
2. Make the best of your circumstances.
No one has everything, and everyone has something
of sorrow intermingled with gladness of life. The trick is
to make the laughter outweigh the tears.
3. Don't take yourself too seriously.
Don't think that somehow you should be protected
from misfortune that befalls other people.
4. You can't please everybody. Don't let criticism worry you.
5. Don't let your neighbour set your standards. Be yourself.
6. Do the things you enjoy doing but stay out of debt.
7. Never borrow trouble. Imaginary things are harder
to bear than real ones.
8. Since hate poisons the soul, do not cherish jealousy,
Avoid people who make you unhappy.
9. Have many interests. If you can't travel, read about new places.
10. Don't hold postmortems. Don't spend your time brooding
over sorrows or mistakes. Don't be one who never gets over things.
11. Do what you can for those less fortunate than yourself.
12. Keep busy at something. A busy person never has time
to be unhappy.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Instructions For Life
2. When you lose, dont lose the Lesson.
3. Follow the Three R's:
a) Respect for self,
b) Respect for others,
c) Responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7. When you realized that you have made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend sometime alone everyday.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honourable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it for a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with the loved one, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
14. Share your Knowledge. It is a way to achieve Immortality.
15. Be Gentle with Earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you have never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon.
Monday, August 4, 2008
How To Communicate: Improve Your Relationships With Effective Communication Skills
Listen Carefully: People often think they’re listening, but are really thinking about what they’re going to say next when the other person stops talking. Truly effective communication goes both ways. While it might be difficult, try really listening to what your partner is saying. Don’t interrupt. Don’t get defensive. Just hear them and reflect back what they’re saying so they know you’ve heard. Then you’ll understand them better and they’ll be more willing to listen to you.
Try To See Their Point of View: In a conflict, most of us primarily want to feel heard and understood. We talk a lot about our point of view to get the other person to see things our way. Ironically, if we all do this all the time, there’s little focus on the other person’s point of view, and nobody feels understood. Try to really see the other side, and then you can better explain yours. (If you don't 'get it', ask more questions until you do.) Others will more likely be willing to listen if they feel heard.
Respond to Criticism with Empathy: When someone comes at you with criticism, it’s easy to feel that they’re wrong, and get defensive. While criticism is hard to hear, and often exaggerated or colored by the other person’s emotions, it’s important to listen for the other person’s pain and respond with empathy for their feelings. Also, look for what’s true in what they’re saying; that can be valuable information for you.
Own What’s Yours: Realize that personal responsibility is a strength, not a weakness. Effective communication involves admitting when you’re wrong. If you both share some responsibility in a conflict (which is usually the case), look for and admit to what’s yours. It diffuses the situation, sets a good example, and shows maturity. It also often inspires the other person to respond in kind, leading you both closer to mutual understanding and a solution.
Use “I” Messages: Rather than saying things like, “You really messed up here,” begin statements with “I”, and make them about yourself and your feelings, like, “I feel frustrated when this happens.” It’s less accusatory, sparks less defensiveness, and helps the other person understand your point of view rather than feeling attacked.
Look for Compromise Instead of trying to ‘win’ the argument, look for solutions that meet everybody’s needs. Either through compromise, or a new solution that gives you both what you want most, this focus is much more effective than one person getting what they want at the other’s expense. Healthy communication involves finding a resolution that both sides can be happy with.
Take a Time-Out: Sometimes tempers get heated and it’s just too difficult to continue a discussion without it becoming an argument or a fight. If you feel yourself or your partner starting to get too angry to be constructive, or showing some destructive communication patterns, it’s okay to take a break from the discussion until you both cool off. Sometimes good communication means knowing when to take a break.
Don’t Give Up: While taking a break from the discussion is sometimes a good idea, always come back to it. If you both approach the situation with a constructive attitude, mutual respect, and a willingness to see the other’s point of view or at least find a solution, you can make progress toward the goal of a resolution to the conflict. Unless it’s time to give up on the relationship, don’t give up on communication.
Ask For Help If You Need It: If one or both of you has trouble staying respectful during conflict, or if you’ve tried resolving conflict with your partner on your own and the situation just doesn’t seem to be improving, you might benefit from a few sessions with a therapist. Couples counseling or family therapy can provide help with altercations and teach skills to resolve future conflict. If your partner doesn’t want to go, you can still often benefit from going alone.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Top 10 tips for Nonverbal Communication
1. Pay Attention to Nonverbal Signals
People can communicate information in numerous ways; so pay attention to things like eye contact, gestures, posture, body movements, and tone of voice. All of these signals can convey important information that isn't put into words. By paying closer attention to other people's nonverbal behaviors, you will improve your own ability to communicate nonverbally.
2. Look for Incongruent Behaviors
If someone's words do not match their nonverbal behaviors, you should pay careful attention. For example, someone might tell you they are happy while frowning and staring at the ground. Research has shown that when words fail to match up with nonverbal signals, people tend to ignore what has been said and focus instead on nonverbal expressions of moods, thoughts, and emotions.
3. Concentrate on Your Tone of Voice When Speaking
Your tone of voice can convey a wealth of information, ranging from enthusiasm to disinterest to anger. Start noticing how your tone of voice affects how others respond to you and try using tone of voice to emphasize ideas that you want to communicate. For example, if you want to show genuine interest in something, express your enthusiasm by using an animated tone of voice.
4. Use Good Eye Contact
When people fail to look others in the eye, it can seem as if they are evading or trying to hide something. On the other hand, too much eye contact can seem confrontational or intimidating. While eye contact is an important part of communication, it's important to remember that good eye contact does not mean staring fixedly into someone's eyes. How can you tell how much eye contact is correct? Some communication experts recommend intervals of eye contact lasting four to five seconds.
5. Ask Questions About Nonverbal Signals
If you are confused about another person's nonverbal signals, don't be afraid to ask questions. A good idea is to repeat back your interpretation of what has been said and ask for clarification. An example of this might be, "So what you are saying is that..."
6. Use Signals to Make Communication More Effective and Meaningful
Remember that verbal and nonverbal communication work together to convey a message. You can improve your spoken communication by using nonverbal signals and gestures that reinforce and support what you are saying. This can be especially useful when making presentations or when speaking to a large group of people.
7. Look at Signals as a Group
A single gesture can mean any number of things, or maybe even nothing at all. The key to accurately reading nonverbal behavior is to look for groups of signals that reinforce a common point. If you place too much emphasis on just one signal out of many, you might come to an inaccurate conclusion about what a person is trying to communicate.
8. Consider Context
When you are communicating with others, always consider the situation and the context in which the communication occurs. Some situations require more formal behaviors that might be interpreted very differently in any other setting. Consider whether or not nonverbal behaviors are appropriate for the context. If you are trying to improve your own nonverbal communication, concentrate on ways to make your signals match the level of formality necessitated by the situation.
9. Be Aware That Signals Can be Misread
According to some, a firm handshake indicates a strong personality while a weak handshake is taken as a lack of fortitude. This example illustrates an important point about the possibility of misreading nonverbal signals. A limp handshake might actually indicate something else entirely, such as arthritis. Always remember to look for groups of behavior. A person's overall demeanor is far more telling than a single gesture viewed in isolation.
10. Practice, Practice, Practice
Some people just seem to have a knack for using nonverbal communication effectively and correctly interpreting signals from others. These people are often described as being able to "read people." In reality, you can build this skill by paying careful attention to nonverbal behavior and practicing different types of nonverbal communication with others. By noticing nonverbal behavior and practicing your own skills, you can dramatically improve your communication abilities.
Friday, July 11, 2008
10 Tips To Boost Ur Confidence
2.Don't apologize for being you
3.Be decisive don't say may be. Say yes or no
4.Don't say I can't instead say, may be I can I'll try it
5.Don't procrastinate (postponing)
6.Think about your positive points
7.Volunteer more often
8.Dream a little
9. Set Goals.
10.Play the part
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
10 Tips to being a better IT Manager
2. Get to know what your staff really does
3. Don't do it for them
4. Know the business and make sure they know you
5. Treat communication as a busy, fast-moving, two-way street
6. Encourage everyone to work as a team
7. Provide feedback regularly and let employees know what you want
8. Hire well
9. Understand best IT practices but don't just make them buzz words
10. Be a good project manager
Monday, June 23, 2008
How to make power point presentation most effective
Your audience should know exactly where they can expect all the information to be coming from. It is either the slide, or the speaker, or the surroundings, or the product, or the concept. Make it clear where all the new information will be coming to them from, and try not to have multiple sources.
Make yourself the center of attention
With the above, it is always best to make yourself that primary source of information. Your words, and how you are presenting them, must be the only place where people get the message from
Use PPT only to support or aid you
If you are the sole source of information, then you dont have to put any text on the slide. Use the slide as the place where yoru audience finds supporting information to what you are essentially saying. Slides that only have a picture or chart are great.
Pace the PPT slides to tell everyone the basic topic you are discussing
If you are the center of attention you could go through the entire presentation without switching a slide. However, that is a good way of losing the audience. Since your message will be delivered in parts, or categories, or sections, make sure you put a four-to-five word title sentence on the PPT that defines that section / topic / particular point.
Use timing queues liberally
Quite often a presenter dives into a slide with a mesh of information, and then starts to explain each portion of it one at a time. What he doesn’t know is that the audience stop caring the second they see complexity. Use the animation and timing functions in PPT to show them only small easy-to-digest portions of the slide at any time.
Keep note of image aspect-ratios
This is particularly true of internal ppts. If you are adding images, make sure they are not bent or distorted just to fit on screen. If the audience sees a distorted image, they will start spending too much time understanding the picture rather than understanding the message.
Make everything have a single theme
Is the presentation going to be light to begin with, or is the presentation topic “Characterization models of third-stage cancer using noise-impeding feedback in fuzzy control systems” ? If you begin on a light note, then you, the slides, the timing queues, the animations, should all be light. If it is a serious or corporate theme presentation, then everything should be complementary — resist that urge to ‘add that random funny picture to relax the audience’. Coherency makes the audience feels relaxed about you.
Understand the importance of the delivery tone
How you speak is more than often much more important than what you speak of. Your presentation is essentially guiding the audience through a series of concepts in a way that they can come to the same conclusion that you have. This ‘guiding’ is most relevant with the way you deliver context.
Use a Whiteboard liberally
They great thing about using whiteboards is that your draw-as-you-speak — so the supporting pictures your audience sees is in perfect timing with your own words. You can do some of that in PPT with animations but it is not enough.
Most importantly, keep yourself in constant check. Always try to measure the ‘impact’ of the presentation from the reaction of your audience, and keep improving the presentations over time.
There are lots more, but this would be a general set of guidelines to get you started.
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Goal Setting – How to Achieve your Goals and Array your Dreams
Let’s look at goal setting and how to achieve the goals you set by using some simple steps.
Set Your Goals
We all have different goals we want to achieve. They maybe be personal or they maybe business it doesn’t matter write them down.
Put them in order of priority and now its time to look at how to achieve them.
This trait is needed!
The trait you need to achieve your goals and anything flows from it is:
The desire to achieve.
If you don’t have a burning desire you won’t get anywhere it’s your motivation. In life you will hear of may people who started at a huge disadvantage and achieved their goals – They did it and you can to
Realism and dreaming
Many people when they goal set are really dreaming. They want something that is totally out of their reach and have no chance of achieving it.
When you set goals they must be realistic. They can be ambitious but remember every journey starts “with one small step”
If it’s an ambitious goal then you need to reach it in steps. So you have several sub goals (steps) that lead you to your final goal.
This will give you a sense of achievement when each sub goal is met and make the journey less daunting.
You will be focused, motivated to hit each sub goal and if you have the desire and motivation you will reach your ultimate goal
Is precious and when it passes you can’t get it back, so you need to make the most of it and use it wisely.
Have you ever looked at someone and wondered how they get so much done? Well if you have they will be well aware of time management.
Time & Your goal
You need to work out how much time each goal you have takes and allocate time and effort regularly.
A key to time management is to delegate tasks away that you can and concentrate on what’s important to you.
There Is more to goal setting
This article is really a basic introduction to goal setting and our other articles in this series cover more specific ways to get to your goalsm but the basics of goal setting and more importantly, achieving your goals are based upon the following:
Desire - To achieve a goal.
Realism – In terms of what you want to achieve.
Steps – Getting there in simple specific steps with strict time management.
You can do it!
The fact is anyone can set and reach goals if they use the above format.
So set your goals don’t be a dreamer and set off on a road that will bring you what you want in life today.
Self-Confidence - A Timeless Way To Increase Your Self Esteem
So should you.
In this article we will show you the way to become self-confident, in anything you attempt, by using the way of the ancients.
Self-confidence is only a way we perceive our own abilities and talents.
A change of perception can increase or decrease how we view ourselves, without the slightest regard to what are abilities and talents are.
The following story illustrates this principle:
A lion cub was once left alone and grew not among lions but with a flock of sheep who fostered him. He grew as the sheep did, eating grass and living in fear of most predators.
One day a lion came out of the forest and found the flock of sheep, and saw the lion cowering in a corner, shaking for fear.
The forest lion came over to the sheep lion and inquired of him, “what are you doing…cowering and shaking in fear?” The sheep lion replied he was afraid the forest lion would eat him.
The forest lion grabbed the sheep lion by the neck and dragged him to a nearby poor of water.
He forced the sheep lion to gaze into the reflection from the pool. “What do you see?” inquired the forest lion. “I see two lions here” . “Yes”, the forest lion said, “you are a lion like me.”
At once, with the perception that he as a lion, the sheep lion took courage and lost all his fear. Understanding who and what he was, he became a lion, at once stopped being a sheep.
Discover Your True Nature
The way of teaching by all ancient people was to point out to the students their true nature.
You need not use tricks and develop psychological methods of feeling better about you. You have your own true nature, and this nature, whatever it is , is what you are.
You will have certain talents (all of us do), with natural abilities.
These are easy to recognize, as it is the things you understand and do easily.
All of these talents and abilities are on a sliding scale.
For example, if you count well, you may be especially talented in mathematics.
You might be an accountant or bookkeeper on one side of the scale, and a quantum physicist at the other. That is up to you.
Your self-confidence comes from simply knowing yourself.
Why should you feel bad about yourself if you are not good at sports. You will excel somewhere else. Find out about who and what you are, and then self-confidence comes of itself to you.
The Way of the Ancients
The ancients taught each student or each child from a family, to understand who and what we are. This leads not only to self-confidence, but happiness.
Aspire to the best of who and what you are, and this leads to greatness.
How Changes Create Confidence
Confidence is something that is built only from the inside. We have all met people that are very confident and many people that have no confidence. Often I find that there is no reason for people in either group.
The best way to build confidence is to simply achieve simple goals and build upon them. When I say that you need to achieve a goal I don't mean that you need to win an Olympic medal or anything, all you need to do is set a tiny goal, achieve it and move on. The first time years ago that I road my bicycle to work was a juge leap of faith at the time, I had not ridden a bike in years. After I rode to work and home that first time I knew that I could do it again, I learned that dressing and packing differently would make it easier and I was confident that I now had a new skill.
This is all that you need to build confidence. There is no secret to building confidence although everyone thinks that there is. People spend years and lots of dollars trying to find the secret to great self confidence when all it really takes to be confident is to build little goals, achieve them and move on to slightly bigger goals.
Confidence in life is just an attitude. If you have ever heard the term "fake it till you make it" then you know that others will see you as you project back to them. If you are timid in your own life to others then you are probably speaking to your inner self the same way. If you project and talk to others in confidence, then you are probably using better self talk.
Self Talk
The next step to having great confidence to achieve your dreams is to have good self talk. Never say negative things if possible. You do not have to be one of those irritating people that sees everything as being great, all you need to do is avoid thinking of things negatively as much.
I talk a lot, in my head as well as to other people and often I will catch myself in a bit of a funk in the morning where nothing seems to be going smoothly. One crappy thing builds on another and finally I will catch myself noticing the bad stuff going on and I snp myself back to just seeing things in a better light. I start by focusing on the good things that have happened so far in the day and just try to build on those. This may sound corny and like some kind of new age voodoo but I have always found this to work.
So today, try to find the good in things, make sure you are building little goals and achieving them and make sure everything going on between your ears is helping you and not hurting you in the long run.
Positive Thinking Your Key to Success
Positive thinking is contagious. People around you pick your mental moods and are affected accordingly. Think about happiness, good health and success, and you will cause people to like you and desire to help you, because they enjoy the vibrations that a positive mind emits.
In order to make positive thinking yield results, you need to develop a positive attitude toward life, expect a successful outcome of whatever you do, but also take any necessary actions to ensure your success.
Effective positive thinking that brings results is much more than just repeating a few positive words, or telling yourself that everything is going to be all right. It has to be your predominant mental attitude. It is not enough to think positively for a few moments, and then letting fears and lack of belief enter your mind. Some effort and inner work are necessary.
- Are you willing to make a real inner change?
- Are you willing to change the way you think?
- Are you willing to develop a mental power that can positively affect you, your environment and the people around you?
Here are a few actions and tips to help you develop the power of positive thinking:
- Always use only positive words while thinking and while talking. Use words such as, 'I can', 'I am able', 'it is possible', 'it can be done', etc.
- Allow into your awareness only feelings of happiness, strength and success.
- Try to disregard and ignore negative thoughts. Refuse to think such thoughts, and substitute them with constructive happy thoughts.
- In your conversation use words that evoke feelings and mental images of strength, happiness and success.
- Before starting with any plan or action, visualize clearly in your mind its successful outcome. If you visualize with concentration and faith, you will be amazed at the results.
- Read at least one page of inspiring book every day.
- Watch movies that make you feel happy.
- Minimize the time you listen to the news and read the papers.
- Associate yourself with people who think positively.
- Always sit and walk with your back straight. This will strengthen your confidence and inner strength.
- Walk, swim or engage in some other physical activity. This helps to develop a more positive attitude.
Think positive and expect only favorable results and situations, even if your current circumstances are not as you wish them to be. In time, your mental attitude will affect your life and circumstances and change them accordingly.
5 Steps to a Positive Attitude
Being in a good mood is not difficult. It does take a little work, and it also takes responsibility. Because it's better to be happy than upset, putting yourself in a good mood is definitely worth it. Even the happiest of people find themselves in a bad mood now and then. Others unfortunately may find themselves in low spirits more often than not. The following tips can help both types of people create a better mood each day.
The first step is to realize you are in a bad mood. If you don't realize it, it's going to be tough to change it. This realization can come from several sources. You are usually the best judge of your mood. You can also get that type of feedback from others.
Now that you know you are in a negative mood, you have to decide you want to change it. This isn't as easy as it sounds. When we're upset, we usually don't want to hear how we should be happy. We usually want to be left alone. That is why this is the toughest step. Regardless, it's worth it. A few days a week in a bad mood can really add up. A friend might comment that you are usually in a negative mood without you even realizing it. Yes it's hard to make this decision, but after you have changed your mood, you'll be happy you did.
You know you're not happy, and you want to change. The next step is to look for the source. I know that when things start piling up I get a little tense. Once I feel that I am getting upset, I think about what things I am concerning myself with. Then I write them down, and get to work on them. This helps to bring order to my cluttered mind. Look for the source of the negativity. Did someone say something that upset you? Are you worried about something that you did? About something you still have to do?
When you find the source, it's time to fix it. If someone upset you, talk with them. If you are worried about getting something done, do it. If you are worried about something you can't change, accept that you can't change it and move on.
Sometimes fixing the source isn't enough to change our mood. In this case, think of things that put you in a good mood. It could be anything that you choose. Calling a friend, going to lunch, playing golf, etc.
If you fix the source of the problem and you still feel down, do something fun.
This quick system will help to change your down days into some of the best up days you've ever had.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Don't Make Your Thoughts Your Prisons
Your obstacles will look large or small to you according to whether you are large or small. Courage gives you the capacity to confront what can be imagined. It gives you the ability to rise above your present reality. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear. When you recognize that you're bigger than your problems, you'll gain the courage necessary to overcome anything.
Difference between Focusing on Problems and Focusing on Solutions
Case 1
When NASA began the launch of astronauts into space, they found out that the pens wouldn't work at zero gravity (ink won't flow down to the writing surface). To solve this problem, it took them one decade and $12 million. They developed a pen that worked at zero gravity, upside down, underwater, in practically any surface including crystal and in a temperature range from below freezing to over 300 degrees C.
And what did the Russians do...?? They used a pencil.
Case 2
One of the most memorable case studies on Japanese management was the case of the empty soapbox, which happened in one of Japan 's biggest cosmetics companies. The company received a complaint that a consumer had bought a soapbox that was empty. Immediately the authorities isolated the problem to the assembly line, which transported all the packaged boxes of soap to the delivery department. For some reason, one soapbox went through the assembly line empty. Management asked its engineers to solve the problem. Post-haste, the engineers worked hard to devise an X-ray machine with high-resolution monitors manned by two people to watch all the soapboxes that passed through the line to make sure they were not empty. No doubt, they worked hard and they worked fast but they spent whoopee amount to do so.
But when a rank-and-file employee in a small company was posed with the same problem, he did not get into complications of X-rays, etc., but instead came out with another solution. He bought a strong industrial electric fan and pointed it at the assembly line.. He switched the fan on, and as each soapbox passed the fan, it simply blew the empty boxes out of the line.
1.. Always look for simple solutions...
2.. Devise the simplest possible solution that solves the problems...
3.. Always focus on solutions & not on Problems...
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Motivational Quotes
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Charity --- Singapore
“There is no color to the hand of friendship."
--- Author Unknown --- Sent in by Heather G.
"If you surrender completely to the moments as they pass, you live more richly those moments."
--- Anne Morrow Lindbergh --- Submitted by Terésa M. --- Perth - Western Australia
“Happiness lies for those who cry, those who hurt, those who have searched and those who have tried, for only
they can appreciate the importance of people who have touched their lives."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Chen --- Malaysia
"Steadfast, friend, though the seas be high and the crests break the soul, for the swells of the heart dwarf those of
the storm."
--- Author Unknown --- Contributed by George B.
"The person who sends out positive thoughts activates the world around him positively and draws back to himself
positive results."
--- Norman Vincent Peale
"Believe in something that captures your heart, your body, and your soul. Let it captivate your mind and open you
to new possibilities. Let it consume you and show you that through hard work, determination, and dedication you
will not fail."
--- Copyright © 2006 Jariel Morales
This is just something that I wrote to help me get through a situation. It helped me put things into perspective and
“Every moment of light and dark is a miracle."
--- Walt Whitman
"It is human nature to get depressed by setbacks, but it is a superhuman task to rise above your circumstances
and rewrite your destiny. The one that stands erect and unfazed, in the face of adversity, ultimately leaves the
footprints to success."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Ranjita R. --- California
"To know someone here or there with whom you feel there is understanding, in spite of distances or thoughts
unexpressed; that can make of this earth a garden."
--- Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe --- Submitted by Lei L. --- Hawaii
"Love cures people; both the ones who give it and the ones who receive it."
--- Karl Menniger --- Submitted by Kim T. --- Kansas
"What sunshine is to flowers, smiles are to humanity. They are but trifles, to be sure; but, scattered along life's
pathway, the good they do is inconceivable."
--- Joseph Addison --- Sent in by Ray L. --- Ontario, Canada
"The only thing that you can carry with you on your travels is your heart. Fill you heart with good things and good
things will follow you for the rest of your life."
--- Scott Murray --- Zimbabwe, Africa
"Sometimes on the way to our dreams, we get lost and find an even better one!"
--- Author Unknown --- Contributed by Martha Gil --- Virginia
"Souls are like athletes that need opponents worthy of them if they are to be tried and extended and pushed to the
full use of their powers and rewarded according to their capacity."
--- Thomas Merton --- 'The Seven Storey Mountain'
--- Sent in by Bruce B. --- Out on a Submarine
"When odds are against me, I prove them wrong. When all else fails, I succeed. When all turns to ash, from it I
rise. So it doesn't matter what you throw at me or what you do, I will rise above it."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Luke C. --- Victoria, Australia
"You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it."
--- Margaret Thatcher
"The people in one's life are like the pillars on one's porch you see life through. And sometimes they hold you up,
and sometimes they lean on you and sometimes it is just enough to know that they are standing by."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Gwyneth F. --- Connecticut
“Be delighted at the prospect of a new day, a fresh try, one more start, with perhaps a bit of magic waiting
somewhere behind the morning."
--- J.B. Priestly --- Submitted by Hunter Barnett --- Florida
"When your world seems like too much to handle, just take a deep breath and laugh. It clears the mind and frees
your spirit."
--- Michael P. Miller --- California
"Find the good. It's all around you. Find it, showcase it, and you'll start believing in it."
" I am the best gift I have ever received."
--- Marion --- Washington
Grant me the strength to forgive myself
When innocent mistakes occur.
Grant me the knowledge to forgive myself
When decisions thought right backfire.
Grant me the courage to forgive myself
When issues arise I can't control.
Grant me the ability to forgive myself
When perfection falls short.
Grant me the intelligence to forgive myself
When my shortcomings are exposed.
Grant me the strength to forgive others
When errs are done onto me.
--- Written in 2001 by Ellen F.
"There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it."
--- Edith Wharton --- Contributed by Ed M.
“My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my life there."
--- Charles F. Kettering
"Once we recognize the fact that every individual is a treasury of hidden and unsuspected qualities, our lives
become richer, our judgment better, and our world is more right. It is not love that is blind, it is only the unnoticing
eye that cannot see the real qualities of people."
--- Charles H. Percy
"Don't be afraid, for I am with you. Do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you. I
will uphold you with my victorious right hand."
--- Isaiah 41:10 --- Sent in by Jim H. --- Illinois
"Don't fear the bumpy roads that lie ahead, for it is nothing more that the settled dust we left behind."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by TH NH --- Mbabane, Swaziland
" To believe is to perceive the dance of intimacy upon the soul; to wish upon a shooting star is where the thought
of existence is upon the heart; to have a dream or a vision of a desire is to see beyond your circumstance of life."
“Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great ones
make you feel that you too, can become great.”
--- Mark Twain
“The wise man in a storm prays to God, not for safety from danger, but for deliverance from fear."
--- Ralph Waldo Emerson --- Contributed by Laureen M., Age 14 --- Washington
"Credulous hope supports our life and always says that tomorrow will be better."
--Tibullus --- Contributed by Jessica McCauley --- Pennsylvania
"We are not put on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by Jen U. --- Kentucky
"It isn't always necessary to achieve great things. Sometimes, just surviving is a great achievement."
--- Lori Hard --- California’’
"We all need each other."
--- Leo Buscaglia
"May every hour of this day bring something special; a thought that makes you smile, a smile that warms the heart,
and a heart that holds much happiness inside."
--- Author Unknown --- Submitted by M.N. --- Manila, Philippines
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Tips For Success -- The Resume
Employers and personnel managers are very busy and tend to rapidly review resumes. Therefore, your resume must quickly catch the employer's attention. Writing a brief, to the point description of your experience and skills can do this. Tell the truth on your resume. Write your resume to describe how your skills will meet the employer's needs.
When applying for a job, read the job advertisement or announcement very carefully. Then customize your resume by writing up your skills to describe and match what the employer is looking for. It is helpful to describe your experience and skills by using some of the same words the employer used in the job advertisement.
Read each of the WorkSmart resume sections for helpful suggestions, before getting started on writing your resume.
Preparing to Write Your ResumeWriting a resume requires a little time and planning. However, it is well worth the effort. It is a good idea to begin by writing a master resume. Having an attractive resume on hand that stresses your strongest skills, better prepares you to attend job fairs and respond to a large number of jobs advertised in newspapers and on the Internet.
Get organized! Before beginning to write your resume:
- Gather information on your past employment: employer names and addresses, and dates of employment.
- Gather information for personal references: names and addresses.
- Research information on the employer. (See "Research the Employer" under "How to Find a Job.")
- Select a quiet area to gather your thoughts and begin working on your resume.
- Decide what type of resume suits you best: chronological, functional, or automated. (See "Resume Types" below.)
Resume Tips - Make your resume short (one page, if possible, two pages at most).
- Use white or ivory paper.
- Type your resume on a computer, when possible. (If you do not have access to a computer visit your local Job Service office, One-Stop Career Center, or local public library for help.)
- Use action words to describe your work skills. (See "Action Words" below.)
- Stress skills, knowledge, and abilities that fulfill the job requirements.
- Be specific about accomplishments, but do not stretch the truth.
- Provide information about career goals.
- Make it attractive.
- Emphasize most recent jobs.
- Proofread it for grammar, punctuation and spelling errors.
- If possible, have someone else check your resume for errors.
- Save references and personal data for the interview.
- Avoid date of birth.
- Avoid salaries or the reason for leaving the last job.
- Ask yourself "Would I interview this person?"
- Keep your resume current.
- Finally, prepare a cover letter to introduce your resume. (See "Cover Letter" below.)
Resume Types - When preparing to write your resume, it is very important to select the type of resume that best suits your past work history, and presents your experience and skills in the best light.
- Review the resume types listed below to choose the resume type that will work the best for you.
- Chronological Resume
A chronological resume lists your most recent job duties and employment dates first. This type of resume tends to be fact-based and may be easily skimmed. It works for those with experience and a steady job history. It is difficult for career changers and those who lack on-the-job experience. Employers tend to prefer a chronological resume because it is easier to read and review the work history dates and work experience. However, this resume type displays flaws more easily, such as employment gaps. - Functional Resume
A functional resume focuses on skills, experience, and accomplishments. A functional resume works best for the following conditions: - Your work history is not related to the job
- Your related experience is not your most recent job
- You have gaps in your work history
- You have not worked recently
- You are just entering the job market
In a functional resume you are advertising your specific qualifications, not the order in which you obtained them. Functional resumes let you emphasize volunteer or civic experience, training, or education.
The functional resume is not usually the favorite resume type among employers, as it is a little more difficult to read. The work history and career paths are not as clear. However, it is important to select the resume type that displays your special qualities to the best advantage.
- Automated Resume (Keyword, or Scannable)
An automated, keyword, or scannable resume is formatted to read well when scanned by a computer system. The resume is scanned and entered in a database that can then be searched by keywords so that the applicant's qualifications are matched with the employer's needs. (Keywords describe skills that are commonly used in the career field.) Generally, it is the larger employers (with 100 or more employees) who scan resumes to retain information in databases for future use. - Cover Letter
A cover letter is a short introduction letter that accompanies your resume. The cover letter should persuade the employer to read your resume. It is especially important to use a cover letter when mailing a resume to an employer.
Resume Action Words
When writing a resume it is a good idea to describe your skills and responsibilities with action words. Write up your skills in brief bulleted lists that begin with action words that emphasize your strong points. - The following list provides a small sampling of common action words to get you started:
Various Skills - Achieved
- Arranged
- Built
- Collected
- Contributed
- Delivered
- Designed
- Dispatched
- Examined
- Improved
- Increased
- Informed
- Maintained
- Organized
- Performed
- Purchased
- Prepared
- Scheduled
- Supervised
- Trained
Technical Skills
- Assembled
- Balanced
- Built
- Calculated
- Cut
- Designed
- Detected
- Developed
- Formed
- Generated
- Inspected
- Installed
- Maintained
- Molded
- Operated
- Packaged
- Processed
- Remodeled
Sales Skills
- Accomplished
- Arbitrated
- Budgeted
- Computed
- Consulted
- Demonstrated
- Dissuaded
- Exceeded
- Forecasted
- Generated
- Increased
- Influenced
- Marketed
- Ordered
- Persuaded
- Produced
- Projected
- Promoted
- Realized
- Saved
- Sold
Communication Skills
- Addressed
- Authored
- Clarified
- Created
- Demonstrated
- Drafted
- Presented
- Persuaded
- Proofread
- Reported
Clerical Skills
- Assigned
- Balanced
- Catalogued
- Charted
- Compiled
- Composed
- Distributed
- Edited
- Followed up
- Identified
- Ordered
- Planned
- Prepared
- Recorded
Helping Skills
- Assisted
- Attended
- Comforted
- Consoled
- Encouraged
- Facilitated
- Guided
- Helped
- Nursed
- Reassured
- Served
- Supported
- Tutored
How to Handle Difficult People
Your neighbors are constantly fighting. They wake you up in the middle of the night with their screams and curses. What do you say to them?
Your father is unhappy about your career choice. He constantly criticizes your work and points out what he thinks you should do. How do you deal with him?
Difficult situations are part of everyone’s life. Employers and employees can’t get along. Partners clash over money. Spouses cannot resolve disagreements.
If you ignore these situations, they always get worse. Employees get fired, partnerships and marriages break up, everyone is miserable.
Waiting and worrying, the most common "solution," also allows the problem to get worse while giving you stress and shortening your life span.
If you attack the person, at least you are trying to fix the problem. But attacks, rage or irrational anger gives you a bad name, makes people afraid of you and reduces honest communication.
Disconnecting from the problem or from the person is not always wise or practical. Losing employees, supporters and friends because you needlessly disassociate from them may reduce your stress, but you might also become lonely and poor.
The Best Solution Is to Confront and Handle People
"The ability to stand up to and confront and handle whatever comes the way of the organization depends utterly on the ability of the individuals of the organization to stand up to, confront and handle what comes the individual's way." — L. Ron Hubbard
When you face and resolve the problem yourself, you feel wonderful. You are in control of your life. You not only conquer the opposition, you conquer your fear. Few accomplishments are more satisfying than confronting someone who is difficult to face and handling the conflict.
How to Confront and Handle Someone
By getting organized and working out a plan of action, confronting and handling people becomes much easier. The key is your preparation.
Follow these seven steps to prepare yourself for dealing with the difficult people in your life.
1. Make the decision to face up to the person directly and by yourself.
2. Write down the exact problem you need to handle and your goal for the confrontation.
Examples of problems to be confronted that you might write down:
"Joe is refusing to pay me despite our agreement."
"Chris is hurting office morale and causing me stress with her continual complaining."
"Bob is supposedly telling people that my work is inferior and I am dishonest."
Once you specifically name or identify the problem, write down a goal for the meeting. "By the end of the meeting, I want . . . ."
Examples of goals or objectives you might want as a result of a confrontation:
"Joe pays me in full."
"Chris stops complaining or leaves."
"Learn the truth about Bob’s comments and if true, get him to stop it."
In some cases, your objective may also state:
"Figure out if I want this person as a partner/employee/boss/friend."
3. Write down a Plan or List of Points You Need to Make to Support Your Goal: Facts, Reasons and explanations you may need the other person to understand. List the points in order of priority or importance.
For example, to get Joe to understand why he must pay you, you might make these points:
A. Joe requested the service.
B. Joe signed an agreement to pay for the service.
C. We provided the service as promised.
D. Joe was happy with the service.
E. Etc.
4. Write down objections, reactions or disagreements the other person may have. Include everything you are afraid might happen during the meeting. Putting specific concerns and fears in writing reduces their impact on you.
For each objection, reaction or disagreement you expect will happen, write a solution of how you will deal with each.
5. Organize your notes and gather supportive documents.
6. Arrange the meeting where you will not be disturbed, preferably in a space you control.
7. Start the meeting.
A. Look the person directly in the eye.
B. Explain the specific problem you want to resolve as you noted in Step 2.
C. Go over your first point on the list from Step 3.
D. Listen carefully to the other person and make certain they feel understood.
E. Hold a position on your points.
F. Use your solutions to their reactions as you worked out in Step 4.
G. Continue describing your points and listening to the person's side.
H. Do not give up. Communicate and persist for as long as it takes to reach your goal.
The more frequently you confront and handle difficult people, the easier it becomes. The amount of time it takes to prepare for a confrontation decreases. You become strong and tough.
When you confront and handle everyone around you, people respect you for your courage, your honesty and your control. Your associates, employees or coworkers follow your example and become more productive. Your enemies either become harmless or become friends.
Taking positive organized action, despite fear, is the kind of courage all successful people must have to succeed.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The Power Of Positive Attitude
- Positive thinking.
- Constructive thinking.
- Creative thinking.
- Expecting success.
- Optimism.
- Motivation to accomplish your goals.
- Being inspired.
- Choosing happiness.
- Not giving up.
- Looking at failure and problems as blessings in disguise.
- Believing in yourself and in your abilities.
- Displaying self-esteem and confidence.
- Looking for solutions.Seeing opportunities.
A positive attitude leads to happiness and success and can change your whole life. If you look at the bright side of life, your whole life becomes filled with light. This light affects not only you and the way you look at the world, but also your whole environment and the people around you. If it is strong enough, it becomes contagious.
The benefits of a positive attitude:
- Helps achieving goals and attaining success.
- Success achieved faster and more easily.
- More happiness.
- More energy.
- Greater inner power and strength.
- The ability to inspire and motivate yourself and others.
- Fewer difficulties encountered along the way.
- The ability to surmount any difficulty.
- Life smiles at you.People respect you.
Negative attitude says:
you cannot achieve success.
Positive attitude says:
You can achieve success.
If you have been exhibiting a negative attitude and expecting failure and difficulties, it is now the time to change the way you think. It is time to get rid of negative thoughts and behavior and lead a happy and successful life. Why not start today? If you have tried and failed, it only means that you have not tried enough.
Developing a positive attitude that will lead you to happiness and success: -
- Choose to be happy
- Look at the bright side of life.
- Choose to be and stay optimistic.
- Find reasons to smile more often.
- Have faith in yourself and in the Power of the Universe.
- Contemplate upon the futility of negative thinking and worries.
- Associate yourself with happy people.
- Read inspiring stories.
- Read inspiring quotes.
- Repeat affirmations that inspire and motivate you.
- Visualize only what you want to happen.
- Learn to master your thoughts.
- Learn concentration and meditation.
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Sql Server and Regular Expressions Questions
1NF: Eliminate Repeating GroupsMake a separate table for each set of related attributes, and give each table a primary key. Each field contains at most one value from its attribute domain.2NF: Eliminate Redundant DataIf an attribute depends on only part of a multi-valued key, remove it to a separate table.3NF: Eliminate Columns Not Dependent On Key If attributes do not contribute to a description of the key, remove them to a separate table. All attributes must be directly dependent on the primary keyBCNF: Boyce-Codd Normal FormIf there are non-trivial dependencies between candidate key attributes, separate them out into distinct tables.4NF: Isolate Independent Multiple RelationshipsNo table may contain two or more 1:n or n:m relationships that are not directly related.5NF: Isolate Semantically Related Multiple Relationships There may be practical constrains on information that justify separating logically related many-to-many relationships.ONF: Optimal Normal FormA model limited to only simple (elemental) facts, as expressed in Object Role Model notation.DKNF: Domain-Key Normal FormA model free from all modification anomalies.
Remember, these normalization guidelines are cumulative. For a database to be in 3NF, it must first fulfill all the criteria of a 2NF and 1NF database.
2) What is Stored Procedure?
A stored procedure is a named group of SQL statements that have been previously created and stored in the server database. Stored procedures accept input parameters so that a single procedure can be used over the network by several clients using different input data. And when the procedure is modified, all clients automatically get the new version. Stored procedures reduce network traffic and improve performance. Stored procedures can be used to help ensure the integrity of the database.e.g. sp_helpdb, sp_renamedb, sp_depends etc.
3)What is Trigger?A trigger is a SQL procedure that initiates an action when an event (INSERT, DELETE or UPDATE) occurs. Triggers are stored in and managed by the DBMS.Triggers are used to maintain the referential integrity of data by changing the data in a systematic fashion. A trigger cannot be called or executed; the DBMS automatically fires the trigger as a result of a data modification to the associated table. Triggers can be viewed as similar to stored procedures in that both consist of procedural logic that is stored at the database level. Stored procedures, however, are not event-drive and are not attached to a specific table as triggers are. Stored procedures are explicitly executed by invoking a CALL to the procedure while triggers are implicitly executed. In addition, triggers can also execute stored procedures.Nested Trigger: A trigger can also contain INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE logic within itself, so when the trigger is fired because of data modification it can also cause another data modification, thereby firing another trigger. A trigger that contains data modification logic within itself is called a nested trigger.
3)What is View?
A simple view can be thought of as a subset of a table. It can be used for retrieving data, as well as updating or deleting rows. Rows updated or deleted in the view are updated or deleted in the table the view was created with. It should also be noted that as data in the original table changes, so does data in the view, as views are the way to look at part of the original table. The results of using a view are not permanently stored in the database. The data accessed through a view is actually constructed using standard T-SQL select command and can come from one to many different base tables or even other views.
4)What is Index?
An index is a physical structure containing pointers to the data. Indices are created in an existing table to locate rows more quickly and efficiently. It is possible to create an index on one or more columns of a table, and each index is given a name. The users cannot see the indexes, they are just used to speed up queries. Effective indexes are one of the best ways to improve performance in a database application. A table scan happens when there is no index available to help a query. In a table scan SQL Server examines every row in the table to satisfy the query results. Table scans are sometimes unavoidable, but on large tables, scans have a terrific impact on performance.
Clustered indexes define the physical sorting of a database table’s rows in the storage media. For this reason, each database table may have only one clustered index.Non-clustered indexes are created outside of the database table and contain a sorted list of references to the table itself.
5) You are creating a procedure that will update two tables within a transaction. The code looks similar to the following (line numbers are included for reference only):1 BEGIN TRANSACTION23 BEGIN TRY4 UPDATE . . .56 END TRY78 BEGIN CATCH9 IF . . .1011 END CATCH12
Answer :- After Line 10
For eg:- begin catch
end catch
6) You are building a scientific application that will store data in a SQL Server 2005 database. The application does not store data until a final process is complete. One of the procedures you are currently working with performs many processor-intensive calculations. Which of the following would accommodate the situation?
a) A standard T-SQL stored procedure
b) A T-SQL stored procedure that uses a cursor
c) A CLR-integrated stored procedure (Correct)
d) A CLR-integrated stored procedure that uses a cursor
7) You need to add a column to a table that will hold a unique value. Which of the following would accommodate the situation?
a) An identity column with an integer data type (Correct)
b) A timestamp data type (Correct)
c) A uniqueidentifier data type with a default value of NewID() (Correct)
d) A column set as the primary key (Correct)
8) You would like to add an additional column to a table. The new column will be used to hold a seven-character serial number for assets and will be a mandatory element of data in the future. How would you implement the process?
a) Create a new NOT NULL column. (Correct)
b) Set a default value of N/A. (Correct)
c) Create the new column as an identity column.
d) Enter serial numbers for all existing records.
9) For producing a report from a random selection of records within a SQL Server database. There are 20,000 records in the table, and you would like to include 4,000 of them in the process. How would you implement the process?
a) Use CURSOR and process every 10th record.
b) Use the TOP clause to get 4,000 records.
c) Set the ROWCOUNT to 4000.
d)Use TABLESAMPLE to get 20% of the records. (Correct)
Answer Description: Processing a random sample of records is exactly what TABLESAMPLE accomplishes. The answer for previous SQL Server versions may have been B, as using the TOP clause to get 4,000 records would sort of accomplish the goal. Answers A, B, and C would not give you truly random selection, although they would be able to limit the output to 4,000 records. RND is a random number generator and would not accomplish random selection of records
10) While producing a grouped report of sales, by city, you only want to include report groups that have sales within the year 2007. Which of the following query elements would you use to solve the problem?
a) GROUP BY (Correct)
b) WHERE (Correct)
d) BETWEEN (Correct)
11) During the major system upgrade, multiple data changes are going to be made. You would like to implement various changes without disturbing any of the existing data. Which of the following operations do not affect any existing data values?
Answers: -
a) Insert (Correct)
b) Update
c) Changing column name (Correct)
d)Increasing column length (Correct)
12) In your development environment number of individuals creates databases regularly. You would like to log the database creation activity so that the username, time, date, and details of the creation are recorded. How would you achieve this?
Answers: -
a) Use a DDL trigger (Correct)
b) Use a DML Trigger
c) Use a constraint
d ) Use a UDF.
13) Your accounting application using SQL Server database that is accessed by 100 users on your organization. When a user inserts or updates a record, you want to make sure that all the required columns have appropriate values. Which of the following would be best for this situation?
Answers: -
a) A stored procedure and a trigger
b) A batch and a trigger
c) An UPDATE Trigger and an INSERT trigger
d) One trigger by itself (Correct)
14) Your database contains several FOREIGN KEY and CHECK constraints. Users are facing problems while data entry on the database because the data they are adding is constantly in violation of the CHECK constraints. You can not change the database design, so you decide to implement your changes via a trigger. Which types of triggers would be best suited for this task?
Answers: -
a) UPDATE, DELETE, and INSERT Triggers
b) Just UPDATE and INSERT triggers
c) INSTEAD OF Triggers (Correct)
d) Triggers cannot be used in this circumstance.
Answer Description: INSTEAD OF triggers are required for this task because you must check for constraint violations before the update occurs. You need to implement INSTEAD OF INSERT or INSTEAD OF INSERT and UPDATE triggers. When trigger actions are listed, such as an INSERT Trigger, you cannot know for sure whether it is an INSTEAD OF or AFTER trigger, but you should assume that it is a FOR or AFTER Trigger if not specifically mentioned. For more information about the order in which triggers and constraints are applied see the information on sp_settriggerorder in SQL Server Books Online.
15) You are creating a new index on a table that has 1,700 rows. 20 rows are added to this table almost every day. The table already has a primary key, and the new index does not represent the order in which data in the table is to be stored. Updates to the table occur periodically but are infrequent. Which type of index would you create?
Answers: -
a) Use a clustered index with a high FILLFACTOR setting
b) Use a clustered index with a low FILLFACTOR setting
c) Use a non-clustered index with a high FILLFACTOR setting
d) Use a non-clustered index with a low FILLFACTOR setting (Correct)
Answer Description: The primary key is usually creates the clustered index on the table. The clustered index indicates the physical order of the data. A low fill factor leaves more room for updates.
16) How to create Full text Indexing on a database?
Answer: -
As you can probably guess, there's a certain amount of overhead involved in passing data back and forth between SQL Server and the Search Service. To speed things up, SQL Server doesn't pass any data to the Search Service unless you explicitly tell it to do so. After all, you might never want to do any full-text searches, in which case it would be silly to spend time indexing your data for them.
To get started, you need to add a full-text catalog to your database. The easiest way to do this is to open SQL Server Enterprise Manager and expand the node for your database to find the Full-Text Catalogs node (if that node isn't present, check to make sure that the Microsoft Search Service is installed on the server). Right-click on the node and select New Full-Text Catalog. SQL Server will prompt you for a name and location for the catalog (and it will supply a default location). Name the catalog anything you like and click OK to create it.
Next you need to tell SQL Server what data to include in the catalog. Again, you can do this in Enterprise Manager. Right-click on a table and select Full-Text Index Table, Define Full-Text Indexing on a Table. This will launch the SQL Server Full-Text Indexing Wizard. You need to make these choices to complete the wizard:
Select a unique index on the table
Select the columns to index. You can optionally specify a language to use for word breaking.
Select the catalog to contain the index, or create a new catalog.
Create a schedule to repopulate the index on a regular basis (this is also optional).
When you finish the wizard, it will create the index for the table. But the index won't have any entries in it yet. Right-click on the table again anfd select Full-Text Index Table, Start Full Population to build the actual index
17) How to call nested stored procedure and save the output in Temporary Table?
Suppose you have stored procedure named sp_FirstProcedure and sp_SecondProcedure
Code for sp_ FirstProcedure
Create Procedure sp_FirstASBEGIN Create Table #tempTable ( City varchar(255), EmployeeName varchar(255) ) Insert into #tempTable Values (’Alabama’,'Rana’)
Insert into #tempTable Values (’Alabama’,'John’)
Insert into #tempTable Values (’Alabama’,'Richard’)
Insert into #tempTable Values (’Alabama’,'Kash’)
Select * from #TempTable
Drop Table #TempTableENDGO
Output is :
Here is the second stored procedure where I will call first procedureBy using these steps.
Create Procedure sp_SecondProcedureAS
BEGINCreate table #tempCityEmp( City varchar(255), EmployeeName varchar(255)
)Insert into #tempCityEmpExec sp_First
– here you can Manuplate your temporary table like I want to —– take only the record with Rana’s name
Select * from #tempCityEmp where EmployeeName like ‘Rana’
Output would be
This is how you call nested stored procedure and insert the out put in a temporary table.
18) You create a Web application to process XML documents. The Web application receives XML document files from several sources, reads them, and stores them in a Microsoft SQL Server database. The Web application parses all incoming data files to ensure that they conform to an XML schema. You need to find all validation errors in the XML document. What should you do?
Answers: -
a) Load the XML data by using an instance of the XmlDocument class and specify a location for the application schema.
b) Configure the ValidationEventHandler in the XmlReaderSettings of the XmlReader object. (Correct)
c) Read the XML file into a DataSet object and set the EnforceConstraints property to True.
d) Read the XML file into a DataSet object. Handle the DataSet.MergeFailed event to parse the data that does not conform to the XML schema.
19) You need to set up security on Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Enterprise Edition to allow access to the employees of the company. The Microsoft SQL Server 2005 will contain several databases, some of which contain sensitive information. How do you configure access to the server?
Answers: -
a) Allow access to the Domain Users group and assign users to appropriate applications roles.
b) Allow access to everyone group and assign appropriate permissions to associated SQL logins.
c) Allow access to Active Directory groups of company and assign permissions according to those groups. (Correct)
d) Disable guest access and assign minimal permissions to the Public role in the sensitive databases. (Correct)
Answer Description: Never deny permissions to the Public role because, in essence, you would be denying the ability for any user. Instead, assign a minimal, base level of permission to this role. Leverage Active Directory groups to ease administration, but you need to be cautious in using the Domain Users group, which in this example would be invalid. You should never use the Everyone group.
20) On an existing Microsoft SQL Server 2005 instance, you have to prevent non-management individuals from accessing the Microsoft SQL Server. How do you configure access to the server?
Answers: -
a) Disable guest access; grant access to a network group containing the management individuals; deny access to the Public group in each database.
b) Disable guest access and grant access to a network group containing the management individuals; ensure that no other access has been granted to other groups. (Correct)
c) Disable guest access and grant access to the Domain Users group; deny database access to anyone not in management.
d) Disable guest access and grant access to a network group containing the management individuals; grant access to all other network groups and assign them to the db_denydatareader role in all databases
Answer Description:
Never deny permissions to the Public role because, in essence, you would be denying the ability for any user. Instead, assign a minimal, base level of permission to this role. Leverage existing Active Directory groups to ease administration, as long as they contain the appropriate individuals.
21) While installing Microsoft SQL Server 2005, how you will check configuration is suitable for the installation. Which tool would you use?
Answers: -
a) System Configuration Checker (Correct)
b) SQL Server Analysis Services
c) SQL Server Migration Assistant
d) SQL Server Profiler
Answer Description: The System Configuration Checker (SCC) can notify issues that will prevent a successful installation. The Migration Assistant, on the other hand, is used to migrate from other systems such as Access or Oracle. SQL Server Analysis Services provides online analytical processing (OLAP) and data mining functionality. SQL Server Profiler is used for monitoring an existing instance of the database engine or Analysis Services.
22) SQL Server Full-Text Search Performance Tuning and Optimization
Answer: -
The SQL Server Full-Text Search service can affect the overall performance of SQL Server when it is indexing text in your tables. Indexing large amounts of text uses up server resources, reducing the CPU time and memory that could be used by your users running their SQL Server-based applications. If you find that the Full-Text Search service is negatively affecting your server's performance, and impacting your users, you can change a setting, telling the service to back off, and not use so much of your server's resources.
To change this setting, right-click on the Full-Text Search service in Enterprise Manager and click on "Properties". This displays the "Full-Text Search Service Properties" dialog box. Here, click on the "Performance" tab. On this tab is a "System Resource Usage" option that has a slider bar you can use to change the effect this service has on SQL Server.
The slider bar has five position, and the default setting is at the third setting. If you want to reduce the impact of this service on your SQL Server, move the slider bar to the left one or two steps. This will proportionally reduce the affect of the service on SQL Server. It will also cause the full-text service to run longer to perform the same task, but now with less impact on the server. Conversely, if you want to dedicate this SQL Server to this service, you can boost the resource usage by sliding the slider bar to the right. But don't do this unless your SQL Server is dedicated to the Full-Text Search Service.
The SQL Server Full-Text Search service can affect the overall performance of SQL Server when it is indexing text in your tables. Indexing large amounts of text uses up server resources, reducing the CPU time and memory that could be used by your users running their SQL Server-based applications. If you find that the Full-Text Search service is negatively affecting your server's performance, and impacting your users, you can change a setting, telling the service to back off, and not use so much of your server's resources.
To change this setting, right-click on the Full-Text Search service in Enterprise Manager and click on "Properties". This displays the "Full-Text Search Service Properties" dialog box. Here, click on the "Performance" tab. On this tab is a "System Resource Usage" option that has a slider bar you can use to change the effect this service has on SQL Server.
The slider bar has five position, and the default setting is at the third setting. If you want to reduce the impact of this service on your SQL Server, move the slider bar to the left one or two steps. This will proportionally reduce the affect of the service on SQL Server. It will also cause the full-text service to run longer to perform the same task, but now with less impact on the server. Conversely, if you want to dedicate this SQL Server to this service, you can boost the resource usage by sliding the slider bar to the right. But don't do this unless your SQL Server is dedicated to the Full-Text Search Service.
23) Write a regular expression for email id?
Answer: - \w+([-+.']\w+)*@\w+([-.]\w+)*\.\w+([-.]\w+)*
Some Interview Questions in Oracle
Overview of an Oracle Instance :-
Every running Oracle database is associated with an Oracle instance. When adatabase is started on a database server (regardless of the type of computer),Oracle allocates a memory area called the System Global Area (SGA) and startsone or more Oracle processes. This combination of the SGA and the Oracleprocesses is called an Oracle instance. The memory and processes of an instancemanage the associated database’s data efficiently and serve the one or multipleusers of the database.
The Instance and the Database
After starting an instance, Oracle associates the instance with the specifieddatabase. This is called mounting the database. The database is then ready to beopened, which makes it accessible to authorized users.
Multiple instances can execute concurrently on the same computer, each accessingits own physical database. In clustered and massively parallel systems (MPP),the Oracle Parallel Server allows multiple instances to mount a single database.
Only the database administrator can start up an instance and open the database.If a database is open, the database administrator can shut down the database sothat it is closed. When a database is closed, users cannot access theinformation that it contains.
Security for database startup and shutdown is controlled via connections toOracle with administrator privileges. Normal users do not have control over thecurrent status of an Oracle database.
2)What is a view?
A view is a tailored presentation of the data contained in one or more tables(or other views). Unlike a table, a view is not allocated any storage space, nordoes a view actually contain data; rather, a view is defined by a query thatextracts or derives data from the tables the view references. These tables arecalled base tables.
Views present a different representation of the data that resides within thebase tables. Views are very powerful because they allow you to tailor thepresentation of data to different types of users.
Views are often used to:
• provide an additional level of table security by restricting access to apredetermined set of rows and/or columns of a table• hide data complexity• simplify commands for the user• present the data in a different perspective from that of the base table• isolate applications from changes in definitions of base tables• express a query that cannot be expressed without using a view
What is referential integrity?Rules governing the relationships between primary keys and foreign keys oftables within a relational database that determine data consistency. Referentialintegrity requires that the value of every foreign key in every table be matchedby the value of a primary key in another table.
3)Name the data dictionary that stores user-defined constraints?
4)What is a collection of privileges?user_tab_privs_madeuser_tab_privs_recd
Snapshot: A snapshot is a read-only copy of a table or a subset of a table.
5)What is a cursor?
cursor is a private sql work area used to perform manipulations on data using pl\sql.adv:1.mainly used for multiple row manipulations and locking columns.note: data which is populated into the cursor is known as active dataset.
cursors are of two types1.implicit2.explicitimplicit———attributes or properties for implicit cursor1.sql%is open:attribute returns a boolean value stating wether the cursor is open or closed.2.sql % found: returns boolean value stating whether the record is found in the cursor.3.sql%notfound : returns a boolean value stating whether the record is not found in the cursor4.sql %rowcount :returns a pneumeric value stating no.of rows executed in the cursor.
explicit cursors—retrives multiple rows.************adv: users can perform locks on th data in the cursorattributes1.% is open2.% found3.% not found4.% rowcount
Note: DATA which is populated in the cursor is known as active data set.
6)What is a sequence?
Ans:It is a database object to auto generate numbers.
7)Name the data dictionary that stores user-defined Stored procedures?
ans :- user_objects
8)Why Use Sql* Loader in Oracle Database?
Answer: The Sql Loader module of the oracle database Management System loads data into an existing ORACLE table from an external files.It is available locally only on CMS and PCs with oracle version 5. Throughout this documentation the CAR database described in Referance A is used for illustration.There are several methods others than using SQL *Loader of inserting data into a table.1. The Sql insert command may be used from the SQL * Plus module,for Example :insert into CAR values(…)where the values to be inserted into a row of the table are listed inside the parentheses. Dates and Characters data must be Surrounded by single quotes; items are seperated by commas.2. Sql*Forms allows you to add rows interactively using forms. The forms may contain default values and checks for invalid data.3. ODL loads the table from a control file and separate fixed format data file. ODL is available on all versions of ORACLE . SQL * Loader is much more flexible than ODL and will eventually supersede it on all systems.
We can execute a function in sql query
select functionname(paramaters) from dual;
Suppose i am created a function add which returns the addition of two numbers then
select add(3,4) from dual;7
ODBC stands for open database connectivity
trigger is a stored procedure which auotomatically fired on a table whenever any dml operation is affected in the table.we can create ddl trigger,database trigger(logon,logoff,startup,startoff),audit triggers
pseudo column the column which does not exist in a tableex;rownum,rowid,level etc
9)what is a synonym ?
Ans. A synonym is an alternative name for tables,views,procedures and other database objectsgenerally when we have more than one schema and we wish to access an object of a different schema then we create synonyms for that object in the schema where we wish to access the object.
Syntax:create synonym synonym-name for schemaname.object-name
10)what is an exception ?
Exception is an event that causes suspension of normal program execution.In oracle there are serveral types of exceptions1) Pre-defined exceptions like NO_DATA_FOUND,TOO_MANY_ROWS2) User-defined exceptions which would validate the business logic3) unnamed system exceptions which are raised due to errors in the application code .. you can name these exceptions using PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT4)Unnamed programmer-defined exceptions. Exceptions that are defined and raised in the server by the programmer. In this case, the programmer provides both an error number (between -20000 and -20999) and an error message, and raises that exception with a call to RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR.
for all the exceptions raised oracle fills in sqleerm and sqlcode variable which provide the error message and error code for the exception raised.
11)What are pseudo-columns in SQL? Provide examples?
A pseudocolumn behaves like a table column, but is not actually stored in the table. You can select from pseudocolumns, but you cannot insert, update, or delete their values.
12)What is a schema ?
A)Dabase user account is called a schema.
A) A schema is a collection of logical objects owned by a user. A user in that regard is an account registered with the Oracle server.
Once u login into ur account/user, u can access other user’s schema objects like i can write scott.emp, if at all i’ve acces to scott user’s emp table.A) schema is a logical collection of database objects like tables, views, pkgs, procedures, triggers, etc. It usually has an associated database user.
13)What is a co-related sub-query?
It is very similar to sub-queries where the parent query is executed based on the values returned by sub-quries. but when come’s to co-related subqueries for every instance of parent query subquery is executed and based on the result od sub-query the parent query will display the record as we will have refernce of parent quries in su-queries we call these as corelated subquries.
so, we can define co-related sub query as for every record retrival from the sub query is processed and based on result of process the parent record is displayed.
14)what is trigger?
Trigger is an event. It is used prevent the invalid entries of the data.Therehas a different types of trigger are available.1)rowlevel triggerbefore insert,before delete,before updateafter insert,after delete,after update2)statement level triggerbefore insert,before delete,before updateafter insert,after delete,after update3)INSTEAD OF trigger4)Schema level Triggers5)System level Triggers
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Thursday, April 3, 2008
A Positive Attitude Can Make A World Of Difference
You probably know someone who has a negative attitude and often displays it. If so, you are already familiar with the complications which usually result from this - people do not like to be around him, and it can even interfere with his job. It can affect one's work obligations, social life, and basic interpersonal relating.
What if you are a person like this? What if you have a negative outlook, and it is spilling over into various aspects of your life? Even if your job performance has been suffering, or if people are no longer welcoming your company, you do not need to live with these consequences - because you do not need to hold onto the attitude which has caused them!
A positive attitude can make a world of difference! Soon after you have begun to apply this principle, you will see this for yourself!
Negativity will only hold you down; a positive attitude will help bring you back up. Negativity will keep you focused on everything that is wrong, everything that has ever been wrong; but a positive attitude will bring your focus to everything that is right and better. The very best way to look at the subject, though, is to remind yourself that while a negative attitude will limit you, a positive attitude will go a long way in getting rid of those limits. If you think about how much a negative attitude has limited you, this in itself should be a great motivating factor!
Most people do not like to acknowledge that they are limiting themselves and their prospects with their own attitudes and behavior. When you start to replace the "cannot" with "can," you will see how much power there is in your own attitude! You will feel that you have more potential, as well as the ability to reach your potential - while the only thing that has actually changed is your own attitude! Goal-setting and making plans will become much easier, and you will find that you can accomplish much more than you had previously thought you could!
When you take on a new, positive attitude, you will experience wonderful results with other people. Instead of shying away from a chronic complainer who rarely had anything uplifting to say, people will appreciate your company when your positive attitude makes itself apparent in your personal interactions.
A positive attitude will work wonders in how you feel about yourself, also. Instead of always looking for what's wrong in yourself and in your life, you will gain a newfound appreciation for everything that is good in both. You will find that you like your life more than you did before - and that you like yourself better, too!
If you are not yet convinced, perhaps you would like to give it a try! Whenever you sense one of those old negative thoughts, feelings, or ideas preparing to creep in, let them go and replace them with something good, upbeat, and positive. It will not be long before you experience results!